Saturday, 4 July 2015

SCHOOL VISITS- 1st of July, 2015

We had a very busy day. We visited two different schools during the morning and, in the afternoon, we were making a reflection on it. This is one of the most interesting activities we have in our courses in the U.K. It´s the best way to compare the two Educative Systems. Not only the children learn by doing, we do too.
What do we think is the same and different in the English schools and the Spanish schools?

 The same
- Children needs.
- Staff roles.
- Daily routines.
- Children social backgrounds.

A-Better in England
- Human and material resources.
In Bignold Primary School, with 400 pupils there are 75 adults working in the school!!!!
- Besides, we think they use the cooperative learning and teaching better than we do and all the staff is involved in
 the same project. It makes the achievement of the curricular
aims, easier.
- They have encouraging messages all around the school.
- As they have some assistants helping into the classrooms they can afford multitask work and "one to one" work with special needs children.

B-Better in Spain
- Our children learn a second language at school.
- We think that having physical contact with the children is good for them to learn and that expressing emotions helps could improve the relationship between teachers and pupils.

Points in B that we could implement
- The classroom arrangement if possible.
- Teachers coordination.
- Insert projects to work some of the topics.
- Encourage other teachers to use new technologies

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