Friday, 17 July 2015

Monday, 13th July

This rainy Monday started with a class focusing on the design of our own ideal school. To start with, we dealt with different aspects we should take into account for creating a school project: human and material resources, discipline issues, coordination, timetables, class sizes, buildings, salaries, curriculum, assessing… as well as remembering all the factors that influence education such as: parents, social background, children’s themselves…

All these aspects considered, we presented the different projects briefly and voted for the best one. Besides the reflection on education and more importantly on the aspects we could improve in our school since they depend on us, such as coordination; this activity brought us to think about task-based learning. Although at first it could seem a type of methodology suitable for older students, it could also be used in primary teaching.

At the second period, we worked on pronunciation with Johanna, focusing on the sounds that are usually difficult for Spanish people. Reflecting on that, I really think we should make an effort to pronounce properly, particularly sounds like plosive consonants which usually are the key for language learners to sound natural and correct.

Finally, at the last class, Malgosia showed us the possibilities of using projects in the FL class. She presented different activities related to the book ‘The very hungry catterpillar’.  These activities involving movement, music, creativity, crafts… could allow us to bring a story to children’s reality and to attach different children’s multiple intelligences for improving language learning. We can build a whole project around a book. This could be a way of developing Task-based Learning. 

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